...so I've officially begun my talent search...
starting with SEWING
I've never been much of a sewer
I made a quilt with my mom and grandma when I was in
Young Womens
Young Womens
but really, it was them who did all the work...
I think I picked out the fabric.
And well my freshman year of high school I took a
Home and Family class and made a Quillow (Quilt-Pillow)
Home and Family class and made a Quillow (Quilt-Pillow)
Quillow- Blanket that folds into a pillow
Photo from www.marcusbrothers.com
I finished that successfully
so I guess I've had a little experience with sewing
but I wanted to learn more...
So, back in hawaii my friends and i decided to join the Hawaiian Club so that we could learn to hula and get a feel for the culture. The experince was pretty amazing. We learned a lot and had a blast. But... the experience got a little frustrating when we were told we have to make a "shirt-dress" for our performance in the semesters Culture Night. Key word=MAKE.
I quickly darted through it, sewing the hawaiian print fabric to the bottom of the shirt. By the time I was finished I was so Done I didnt feel like fixing it when I found out that it wasnt sewn high enough on the shirt, making it stretch and hang down below my butt. Making me look like a hawaiian gangsta.
I regretably performed in that hildious thing and once i got home that night disassembled the whole thing, pretty much destroying the bottom of the shirt and salvaging the hawaiian fabric.
(Nike wanted to help) =D
I worked on it all day, finishing after hours and hours of sewing, taking all the stiches out, sewing again, and taking them out again. I found the zipper was the hardest part. But, after all was said and done it turned out pretty good.
(Just add a lae and the outfit's complete) ---->
I had fun completing my first talent project and can't wait for whats to come.