We went to a Halloween Dance on the Friday before Halloween. Shaniel McCary and her family were in town visiting so she came and chilled with us for a bit. It was way fun to see familiar faces from home!
(Mardi Gras Person, Hello Kitty, Indiana Jones, Zombie Fairy, Hawaiian Chick, Justin Bieber)
"Nice ta nice ta nice ta know ya, let's do it again" -Theme Song for the Weekend
(Brigham, Taylor, Cameron, Me, Nathan, Kara, Steph)
(Creeper, Lady Gaga meets Ke$ha, Pitbull, Sailor Moon, Pitbull's GF, Katy Perry)
In November, Kara came with me to a work party. It was super fun, we were Team Yellow and totally DOMINATED with team pride. =) I <3 my job.

For Thanksgiving our wards all had yummy dinners together, I went to mine and then hopped right over to Kara and Steph's ward.
After our Thanksgiving dinners, Stephanie and I jetted out to Waikiki again. Man, it was the Bombest weekend too. I <3 Waikiki! We got a hotel somewhat close to the strip and crammed 11 people into our tiny room the first night and 13 the next. It was SO much FUN! We went Black Friday Shopping, Chilled by the pool, Went out to Dinner and Clubbing.
Over Thanksgiving weekend my friend Carter (he's from Kennewick but we met here) had some friends, Briana and Spencer, from back home come visit for a few days. Briana stayed with me, she is the darlingest girl EVER! I feel like we've been friends forever! So I spent lots of time with them, goin to the Swap Meet, Pearl Harbor, Foodville, Surfin, etc. It was so much fun.
(Carter and Spencer at the Swap Meet)
Somewhere in between my work party and Waikiki Round two I hiked Stairway to Heaven with Asa, Sam, and their friend from Sweden (I believe) it was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life but seeing this view made it all worth it:
We hiked it in an hour and 19 min. I was so proud =D
Also in the end of November Pres. Monson came to Hawaii for the Laie Temple Dedication, it was the best experience ever to see him! We got to see him at the Night Show and then after the dedication Kara and I decided to have a photo shoot on temple grounds and we just happened to be there when he walked out. I was close enough to touch, what an amazing man. You can feel a special spirit just by being near him.
The next thing I know it was December, and the semester's almost over. Fabio asked me to Fall Ball and we had a BLAST! It was held at Sunset Ranch this semester, they had pavillions decorated Arabian themed with chinese lanterns. The food was amazing and they had a live band for a bit that made it feel like a wedding. =) It was great. I had such a great time with Mr. Faubs.
And those are my adventures thus far in dear ol Hawaii