Tuesday, December 18, 2012

quote of the day

To realize the best possible future for yourself, don't look at it through a box containing your own past.
- Steve Chandler

how can i love you less?

This is probably the cutest music video I've ever seen!
Part of me can't wait to grow old
Knowing I'll always be a child at heart. :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

family love

Conversation I got to witness tonight...

Mom (from the other room): Goodnight family
Dad: Kiss me when you say that
Mom: Well I can't, I'm in my BVDs
Dad: Your what?
Mom: I don't know what it means, my mom used to say it.
Dad: Honey, those are men's underwear.

I love my life.

a little bit of love

Here's a little inspiration to go out and serve others this holiday season.