A few days ago I was thinking about the prompt: DREAM BIG
So, I'm a huge planner/goal setter. Not saying that I am good at sticking with them. No. But I love the feeling of having something to work towards.
A few semesters back I was re-reading The Secret and The Success Principles and I decided to make a Dream Box. Inside I put pictures of things that I wanted to have, do, or be. I have pictures in there of everything from a pair of TOMS to a a gondola in Venice.I even have trinkets of things like business cards and foreign coins that remind me of things I want as well.
I hadn't looked in that dream box for quite a while and I was only reminded of it once I read that days prompt. So I decided to open it up and have a look. A few things had actually come into my life, which I thought was really cool but the best part was that I had forgotten I had put $30 in there to remind me even when situations might be dire financially, things always work out. You don't know how much I needed that $30. What a blessing.