Monday, March 15, 2010


Can't sleep.
It's only 1:23am
And I did take a nap today
I take a nap every day
I feel like an old lady
Or a kindergartner

Just been thinkin'
About life
... I do that a lot
Sometimes too much

The question on my mind most of the time
tends to be one no one else can answer...
Who am I?
What makes me... me.

Am I readable?
Do I hide my feelings well?
Am I moody?
Do I make people happy?
Am I weird?
Do I make sense?
Am I mean?
Do I follow my dreams?
... are they worth following?

Asking such thought provoking questions
Probably doesn't help insomnia.

Smart McKae...
Real smart.


  1. i love this.
    and its good to think.
    keeps you sane.

    and a little sleepy ;)

  2. Maybe you couldn't sleep because it was my birthday. Yes, that's probably it. :) So happy I just discovered your blog! Yay blogging!
