Thursday, October 21, 2010


   So here I am, back in Hawaii once again, but this time things are dramaticly different and I LOVE IT!

     First of all, here is my house! Yes I'm off camous this semester and its SO much better. I can eat my own food, have whoever I want over, come and go as I please, it's like I'm finally out on my own again instead of being hounded my rules, rules, and more rules.

     Well, I figure I should probably catch up a bit seeing as I've been here for almost 2 months already. So, I'll start from the beginning...

     My dear mother got to come with me this time, which I LOVED because not only did we get some much needed mother/daughter time but I also knew enough about Oahu to show her around a bit. We had a blast in those jam-packed few days.
We toured historic Laie (Ma on The Point)
Rested up at our hotel in Honolulu
Scavenged the Swap Meet at the Aloha Stadium
Visited the Pear Harbor Memorial
...and took Dream Board pics at China Man's Hat

     After being home for about 5months this last spring/summer it was way nice to have my dear ma come help me transition back into Hawaii life. It was a great lil getaway fro us both. =)

     I love being back in Paradise, its been a blast having my dear friends Kara, Paris, Li, Taylor, Jordan and Allie here. They make my life wonderful. I feel like we've done so much already. Kara got this darling moped named Kanake (Hawaiian for Candy) and we've been scootin around on in all semester. We've been to Kaneohe quite a bit and I've come to really enjoy the drive.
Our new friend Kanake

Zoomin on scoot scoot
 Our pit stop, it's crazy how sore your butt is by this point.
Trip to Kaneohe for Li's B-day

     Speaking of B-day's, everyone seems to be having them these days...
 We went and had a ice cream/pizza party for my dear roomie, Annette's 23rd B-Day

We went to Kahuku Grill and Sunset Beach for KallyRae's 20th B-day!
     ...and we totally partied like it was 1999 for Paris's 20th BASH as well

     We've beached it up quite a bit and I've even gone SURFING!!!! I didnt necesarily get up but the instructor told us later that the board we were using didnt have fins so it was pretty much impossible to get up on, but I tried anyways. ;)

We even went night swimming... and FROZE to death!
My first sunset... like ever, I dont think I've ever just sat and watched it decend below the horizion.

And We've had many many other random adventures thus far...

One of our MANY trips to Angels--->

<--- Step Up 3!!!
 Car pooling to a party at the Sexy Men House
 Syndi's completed puzzle after working on it for MONTHS =)

 Oh Im goin to hukilau huki huki huki huki huki hukilau... cafe'

Hot tubbing before/after night swimming --->

<--- Random adventure in Kahuku
 Kite Festival
 General Conference party
 Being super cool and acting like spys avoiding campus security
FOOD FEST! .... we found a kitty. (Named BabyQ)

     So there it is... my adventures in Fall semester thus far. I'll keep yall updated on whats to come. 


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