Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dream Without Limits

          Everyone says "Follow your dreams", "Reach for your dreams", "Dream big." And it makes me wonder... which ones are we supposed to "follow" and "reach for"? The dreams you dream when you're sleeping or the ones you dream when you're awake?  And what's the difference? Is it that your subconscious controls one and not the other? Is it because your subconscious wants to control your conscious dreams but your super-ego gets in the way? Your super-ego as in society.  
          Society telling you that you can't, telling you that there is no possibly way to make your dream a reality? Grinding it into your very soul, until you start to believe it yourself. You believe it so much that your conscious never even realizes that something was ever your dream in the first place? The dreams you dream while you are awake are only the product of things society, and essentially you, believe are possible. Imagine what following your dreams would mean if we truly had no conscious, no superego, no limits.

-McKae Bre'a

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