Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bringin' in the New Year Right

We're Gonna Party Like it's  

Happy New Years!!!

     New Years has always been one of my favorite holidays. It's filled with gratitude for the good and bad times experienced the year before, and for the hope of an even better year to come. We have the blessing of living one more day. To right our wrongs, to show more love, to follow our unimaginable dreams, to hug more, smile more, laugh more. So here's to our wonderfully magical year ahead.

     Every year I make a HUGE list of my New Year's resolutions and just like most people, I forget all about it by the time the second week in January rolls around. But, I figure posting them might motivate me to actually get a few done. 

Goals for 2012

-Get all A's and B's in WINTER, SPRING, and FALL.
-Get homework done WAY before its due (DONT Procrastinate).

-Read the Book of Mormon in 90 days.
-Study Preach My Gospel.
-Fulfill my calling of being the Best Ward Missionary I possibly can. 

Physical Health:
-Workout at least twice a week (Yoga, Jogging, Zumba).
-Plan and stick to a healthy diet (lower the sugar intake).
-Smile and Laugh more... life is good.

-Pay off credit card and loan.
-Save for Paris and Robert's WEDDING in April!!!!
-Raise $$ for Internship.
-Save for a new phone and laptop

-Write in my journal atleast twice a week.
-Start my Novel.
-Go Skydiving.
-Travel Write.
-Become a Morning Person
-Be Creative!
-Write Songs Often.
-Learn a full song on the Piano (Like the Movies, If it Kills Me, Three Cheers for Five Years).
-Take a picture a day... McKae Bre'a Photography
-Read 30 books: (Any suggestions??? I'd love to hear them)

1. Specials- Scott Westerfeld
2. Extras- Scott Westerfeld
3. Gathering Blue- Lois Lowry
4. Messenger- Lois Lowry
5. Just Listen- Sarah Dessen
6. Along for the Ride- Sarah Dessen
7. Chosen- P.C. Cast
8. Untamed- P.C. Cast
9. Poisonwood Bible- Barbara Kingsolver
10. Life of Pi- Yann Martel
11. Into the Wild- Jon Krakauer
12. Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
13. Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand
14. Eat Pray Love- Elizabeth Gilbert
15. The Scarlet Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne
16. Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
17. Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
18. Lord of the Flies- William Golding
19. The Host- Stephenie Meyer
20. Speaker for the Dead- Orson Scott Card
21. Xenocide- Orson Scott Card
22. 17 Lies That Are Holding You Back- Steve Chandler
23. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself- Steve Chandler
24. The Curse of the Blue Tattoo- L.A. Meyer
25. Work and the Glory: Pillar of Light- Gerald N. Lund
26. Whisperings From Within- Cheri McDonald

Wish me luck ;)

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