Monday, February 27, 2012

little letters

Dear OneRepublic, thanks for being my personal soundtrack today. Every single thing in life could be going wrong and Good Life can still bring a smile to my face. 

Dear Sleep, I cant wait to see you!

Dear History Mid-Term, why do I always wait till the last minute to spend so much time on you... Sleep is getting jealous. 

Dear Library, I love you, but I think we need a break. 

Dear India Internship, why have you not e-mailed me back? I'm getting so excited at the prospect of you, been reading travel books during my free time all day. 

Dear Salad, I'm sorry I cheated on you with Ice Cream. He wasn't as good for me as I thought.

Dear Running Shoes, yeah I know it's been forever. 

Dear Weekend, can you come in 2 days instead of 4. Thanks. 

Dear Moon, goodnight.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

inspire me

Ever since I was a little girl my big brother would play Jon Schmidt's music on the piano.
Every time I hear the mezmorizing melodies I'm taken back. 
To a time when school was done curled up on a couch, books splayed across the floor. 
When jumping on the tramp, climbing trees, and making forts we're encouraged. 
When the cares of the world slipped by unnoticed. 
When anything was possible. 

And I become inspired. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012 find reality

"To the desert go prophets and hermits; through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality."
 -Paul Shepard 

Into the Wild by: Jon Krakauer