Monday, February 27, 2012

little letters

Dear OneRepublic, thanks for being my personal soundtrack today. Every single thing in life could be going wrong and Good Life can still bring a smile to my face. 

Dear Sleep, I cant wait to see you!

Dear History Mid-Term, why do I always wait till the last minute to spend so much time on you... Sleep is getting jealous. 

Dear Library, I love you, but I think we need a break. 

Dear India Internship, why have you not e-mailed me back? I'm getting so excited at the prospect of you, been reading travel books during my free time all day. 

Dear Salad, I'm sorry I cheated on you with Ice Cream. He wasn't as good for me as I thought.

Dear Running Shoes, yeah I know it's been forever. 

Dear Weekend, can you come in 2 days instead of 4. Thanks. 

Dear Moon, goodnight.

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