Thursday, March 31, 2011

Got Taro?

     Today for my history class we went on a field trip to Kahana Bay where we worked in taro fields. I didn't realize before but Kahana Bay is my proclaimed favorite part of the island. As we pass the bay and construction on the highway and turn the slight corner with the little water reserve on our left I like to look up at the mountians and marval at their beauty. I feel the trees are extra green at that exact spot... but maybe it's just me. =)
     Anyways so after hiking down this road we got to a spot much like the one pictured above (couldnt carry my camera, knowing it would get extremely muddy, so I got this pic off of google) where there were four individual taro patches. Two already had taro plants growing in them and the other two were overgrown with weeds. My group went straight to one of the overgrown ones and preceded to chop out all the weeds (that were more like sticks) and stomp them in the mud withour bare feet. I've always had this dream to stomp grapes with my feet (though I really really REALLY hate feet) so I imagine stomping weeds into mud is much like the same thing. 
     I had such a blast! There were huge ugly bugs, worms, and lots of random stuff in the mud... including a bathtub! Yes, a real metal bathtub. Cool huh, our group dug it out and underneith it was a ugly lil catfish swimming around in the tiny mud puddle. No clue on earth how it got there. But I found it fasinating. 
     After I got thigh deep in mud and blisters from the shovels on my hand we got to jump in the little cannal to the side of the fields. Felt so good, it was a beautiful day outside. Another group was using little michettes to cut tall grass that had overgrown it. We in the water pretty much became human dams filterin the cut grass to the other side. 

How many students in college go on field trips to work in a muddy taro field? I love my school!!!

Day 17

Day 17
[A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently]
...Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011. Being here at such a diverse school, I run into people who are personally connected to people in Japan who are effected by the tragidy. Something like this has never really hit so close to home for me (aside from the 9/11 attacks) and my heart goes out to everyone in Japan...

Day 16

Day 16
[A picture of someone who inspires you]
...My dear roomie Taylor, I seriously don't know what I would do without this girl. She's completely herself and loves every minute of it. Her funny faces and all. =) She inprires me to love myself and be proud of who I am. And is living proof that one person really can make a difference in the world. Love u Tay...

Day 15

Day 15
[Something you want to do before you die] on top of a bus! inspired by Chris Brown's KISS KISS video (at about 3min18sec in)...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Not Enough?

Why are you looking... for love?
Why are you searching... as if I'm not enough?
"By Your Side" -Tenth Avenue North

Day 14

Day 14
[A picture of someone you can't imagine your life without]
...Jase, our endless debates and his interesting view on life sure keeps me on my toes. But I wouldn't have it any other way...

Day 13

Day 13
[A picture of your favorite band/artist]
...1. Mayday Parade 2.Three Days Grace 3.T-Swift 4.OneRepublic...

Day 12

 Day 12
[A picture of something you love]
...Traveling, I know she has on a wedding dress and that is not relevant to me in any way but, I am now obsessed with this picture...

Day 11

Day 11
[A picture of something you hate]
...things I cannot change...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 10

Day 10
[A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with]
[Brit :)]

Day 9

Day 9
[A person of the person who has gotten you through the most]
[Mi Madre]

Day 8

Day 8
[A picture that makes you laugh]
[couldnt decide on just one ;)]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 7

Day 7
[A picture of your most treasured item]

["May your wildest dreams come true" ring. Given to me by my mom at graduation]

Monday, March 21, 2011

Calling Sleep

I cant sleep
I feel uneasy

And I cant shake it
I feel like everyone needs something
something from me

And I cant help feeling
what about me?
Does anyone care about what I need?

Then I hate myself for being so selfish
What are my needs compared to those of others?

I need to focus on things I can do to help
focus on the things I can change
focus on the beauty.

Things are going to be ok
Someones watching over us
Peace can overcome the uneasy

Sleep can overcome the weary.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 6

Day 6
[A person you'd love to trade places with for a day]

[Katy Perry because she's absolutely beautiful and has amazing style]

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 5

Day 5
[A picture of your favorite memory]

[Europe Trip. Asisi, Italy]

Day 4

Day 4
[A picture of your night]

[Trip to Waikiki for Jodo's B-day]

Friday, March 18, 2011

Quote of the Day

The future depends on what we do in the present.
Happiness is when what you think,
what you say, 
and what you do are in harmony.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 3

Day 3
[A picture of the cast from your favorite show]

[Gilmore Girls]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Love is the most important thing in our lives, a passion for which we would fight or die, yet we are reluctant to linger over its name." 
-Diane Ackerman

Day 2

Day 2
[The person you've been close to the longest]

[Camie Ellen]

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fancy Feast

The CUTEST commercial ever.
I would die of happiness if I was ever proposed to like that

...boys take note.

Quote of the Day

"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of."
-Blaise Pascal

Day 1

Day 1
[A picture of yourself with 15 facts]

30 Day Picture Challange

You probably seen this all over facebook and i personally think its kinda cute. But, really obnoxious at the same time. So, instead of having everyone get annoyed with all the notifications of me doing this I decided to post it here instead. =) good plan huh?

So here's the list:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Love is a certain inborn suffering derived from the sight of and excessive meditation upon the beauty of the opposite sex, which causes each one to wish above all things the embraces of the other."
- Andreas Capellanus

An interesting view of love.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Quote of the Day

Edit: McKae Bre'a (me)
"You can never understand your own culture until you come in contact with another."
-ICS 251